Research Internships

Cryptography — MPC
Brown University
June-Aug 2023
- Working on an ongoing research project on constant-round multi-party computation with Peihan Miao, Akshayaram Srinivasan, Max Tromanhauser, and Nick Young.
- Learned about and worked with LPN assumptions, pseudorandom correlation generators, garbled circuits, secret sharing, and other primitives and topics.
- Contributing to the formal write-up of the constructed protocol and the formalization of ideas.
Cryptography — ROM instantiation
UMass Amherst
May-Sept 2021
- Co-authored the paper “Instantiability of Classical Random-Oracle-Model Encryption Transforms via ELFs” with Adam O’Neill and Mohammad Zaheri.
- Presented the above paper at Asiacrypt 2022 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Explored and worked with primitives and topics such as circuit obfuscation, lossy encryption, trapdoor functions, extremely lossy functions, entropy extraction, and more.
- Studied cryptographic pseudorandom number generators and worked to perform a cryptanalysis of Bitcoin’s PRNG.
Observational Astronomy
University of Western Ontario
Sept-Dec 2019
- Modelled surface features on brown dwarf atmospheres using Python to recreate observed Spitzer light curves.
- Analyzed Spitzer data and independently confirmed a significant non-observation (publication forthcoming).
- Created and presented the poster “Validation and application of Transit Least Squares (TLS) for transiting exoplanet detection” (with P. A. Miles Paez and S. Metchev) at the CASCA 2020 (Canadian Astronomical Society) conference.
Quantum Optics
Copernicus University
Jan-Apr 2019
- Modelled the Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer experiment by deriving the relevant equations and using Mathematica.
- Compared two methods of optimizing photon pair interference visibility and calculated their experimental parameters.
- Explored the basics of quantum key distribution schemes.
Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
TRIUMF Particle Accelerator
Sept-Dec 2018
- Utilized CERN’s ROOT software in a Linux environment to analyze experimental data and wrote the report “Preliminary Analysis of 130Cd Decay Spectroscopy with GRIFFIN.”
- Assisted in maintenance and set up of experiment hardware.
- Contributed to two experimental data collection sessions. Resulting in my co-authorship on “The absence of low-energy shape coexistence in 80Ge: The non-observation of a proposed excited 0+2 level at 639 keV” F. H. Garcia et al. (31 total authors) in Physics Review Letters (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.172501.)
Space Exploration Technology
Canadian Space Agency
Jan-Apr 2018
- Wrote the report “An Overview of Planned International Space Exploration Missions (2015-2030)” through the study of over 100 scientific reports.
- Completed the first significant update to the Canadian testing facility database since 2014, accomplished through making over 140 phone calls.
- Assisted Dr. Alex Jablonski in presentation preparation for the ASCE International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments, Ohio 2018.